Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law organized a one day workshop on “INCLUSIVENESS AND EQUALITY OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY”, under the project “SAKSHAM” in collaboration with GIPARD and DHE. The workshop was conducted for the faculties from South Goa colleges. The workshop will be held on 6 th March 2023 from 9:30 am to 4.00 pm. at Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) Margao Goa. The workshop focused on , amongst other matters, on possibilities of effectively countering prejudice and negative attitudes towards people with disabilities by means of co-operation between authorities, civil society, and other stakeholders. The workshop begin with welcoming of all the participants from different colleges of South Goa. The principal of Chowgule college was the chief guest for the welcome function.
The workshop was conducted in three sessions first session was on Overview of the rights of person with Disabilities Act, 2016 where the resource persons were Dr. Saba DaSilva, Principal of G.R Kare College of Law, Mr. S.N Inavalli, Assistant Professor and HOD at G.R Kare college of law. The second Session was conducted on topic Government Policy/ Schemes and Administrative Support to PWDs (Divyangjan) for which the resource person was Mr. Harshad Bandodkar, Assistant Professor at G.R kare college of law. The third session was interactive session which was conducted by Mr. Sapresh Devidas, assistant professor at G.R kare college of Law and Programme Coordinator. The key takeaway for our participants was understanding the Rights of persons with disability and advocacy law for PwDs. They understood the depth of gap between the societal treatment of PWDs and their rights. and also the importance of inclusive education in terms of PWDs.