Webinar on Awareness regarding Consumer Protection Act 2019
Velim Legal Aid Clinic in association with Consumer Law Club organised a webinar to create awareness regarding the Consumer Protection Act 2019.The said Webinar was conducted on 6th April 2023 at 2.30 p.m. in online mode. The Topic of the Webinar was “Consumer Know Your Rights”. The resource person for the said Webinar was Ms.Savia Sucyn Da Costa, Alumni of our College and Advocate practicing in the State of Goa.
Ms.Tanisha Tari from F.Y.B.A.LL.B., a member of the Velim Legal Aid Clinic welcomed the gathering and gave brief welcome address. Ms. Cible Fernandes, Fifth year BA LLB introduced the resource person Ms.Savia DaCosta. Thereafter Ms.Savia took over session and elaborated on the various rights of the customer under the Consumer Protection Act,2019.
Ms.Savia also explained to the contents of the complaint and the procedure for filing of the complaint. She also explained the redressal mechanism provided under the Act. Mr. Savia had prepared very informative powerpoint presentation. A heartwarming and genuine vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Trisha Torcano student of 3rd year LLB, Member of the Velim Legal Aid Clinic.The participants for the webinar were 14 including students and Faculty in charge of the Velim Legal Aid Clinic, Ms.Niharika N. Chari.