Street play and Awareness Programme – Canacona-Balli-Fatorpa LAC
The Canacona – Balli – Fatorpa Legal Aid Cell of G.R. Kare College of Law, Margao – Goa performed street play and awareness activity at various places in Canacona. The students of the concerned cell were divided in a batch of 10 students each. Each group performed a street play and an awareness activity on 02nd , 03rd, and 04th April 2023 near Village Panchayat Gaondongrim, GES’s Gurukul High School Kajumol Khola, Canacona and Shristal Village Panchayat, Canacona, Goa respectively on the topic Domestic Violence.
Domestic Violence is still a stray topic in rural areas. Victims of Domestic Violence may not realise that they are the victims of Domestic Violence. Keeping in mind the need to spread the awareness, rural part of Canacona was chosen for the activity. The central theme of the topic was to create awareness about the prevailing laws and redressal mechanism under the Domestic Violence Act. Students also explained to the public, the provisions of different statutes such as The Domestic Violence Act, The convention on The Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women 1979, safeguard provided by Constitution, Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 , Women Help line number -181, One Stop Centre-Sakhi, Right to claim Maintenance, etc. The audience gathered interacted with legal aid cell members to know more about where to lodge complaint and seek assistance. Overall, the endeavor to create awareness amongst the masses was well received and appreciated by the public.